Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Health Insurance... sometimes pretty worthless

Ok this is a rant so if you don't want to read a rant move on.

So I have UT Select (Blue Cross Blue Shield) PPO. This means I don't need a PCP and I can go to whomever I wish w/in network. So I'm looking for a specialist in Endocrinology for Thyroid issues. You'd think that'd be pretty easy to find hell there's hundreds of doctors in this speciality in the Med Center where I work. Try there's only 2 doctors nearby that take our insurance (worth using) they're affiliated with the best Hospitals.

So I Call Doctor #1. The phone rings and rings tried 2 days in a row no answer... wtf!!!!!!!!!!

Call Doctor #2 get a rather rude lady who takes my information and keeps asking me if I "REALLY" want an appointment. No I'm just calling for no @#$@#$@# reason. She takes my info and never calls back.

The rest of the doctors nearby that take my insurance are all affiliated with our Med School. Which I gotta say out of the other 3 times I've used them has been a BAD experience. You get residents .. not doctors RESIDENTS doing the work. F that... I swear they rig our health insurance so that 90% of the doctors come up are affiliated with our med school. Actually I'm sure of it. I so can't wait to get the @#$@#$ out of this place, get some better insurance and say F the guinea pigging of your employees.

Any of the other decent doctors are out of network with (all insurances) their office people say or they don't accept any insurance at all it's pay as you go. W T F. Get a f'n clue we're not all rich and can pay right out for our healthcare. So what exactly am I and my employer paying over 300$ /mo for?

I look forward to the day when healthcare gets the SHAFT! When the Hospitals can no longer charge every patient for new sheets when they're just laundering old ones. When they get caught padding the bills!! When they finally get called on all the excesses they charge for that are UNNECESSARY!. Healthcare costs, charges are the biggest fleecing of Americans I've ever seen and it's pathetic. Doctors take an oath to do NO harm... and yes a lot of this is from the doctors the people on the boards who allow the administrators to get away with this crap.

Something will have to give soon. Healthcare costs are rising so fast nothing can keep up.

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