Friday, November 30, 2007

When will the madness end?;_ylt=Ane39JdAiO_k.vvc81tX1kms0NUE

So what will it take for these eccentric and apparently brain washed people to wake up? Does Jesus need to come back and say .. hello .. I'm the true prophet blasphemy to those who worship another.

I know many of us in the civilized world would like to believe this kind of stuff doesn't happen but it does and far too often. We heard about this one but only becuase she's a British citizen. What of those who live in that country and are executed on spot and no one ever hears?

When I read things like this it makes me ashamed to be a part of the same human race as these evil animals. I have to wonder if they're not all demon possessed. My only solace is in the fact that either kharma or judgement day will see justice for all whom they've wronged.

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