Tuesday, February 13, 2007

If you have daughters in Texas and Virginia .. HPV vaccine more harm than good?


I being someone who lives in Texas and has a daughter almost at the age required for this vaccine worry.

A. We don't know what exactly is in this vaccine. Some say mercury ... didn't we always learn this is BAD for your health especially BRAIN function?
B. There is NOT enough research on this vaccine and what it does. Especially not many years and long term effects.
C. HPV caused cancer is not "spreadable" like other diseases so why force the vaccine? Other vaccines are understandable as they pose a great health risk if one person gets say "the mumps". It can be contracted by others due to contact and people can die from it.
D. There are now many reports of girls reacting badly (seizures etc) from getting the vaccine since June 2006. Do we need deaths of our daughters and brain damage of many before we find out what's causing this?

What's next.. forcing unwed, underage mothers to get abortions? Not much different. It's our body where's the control? Last I checked this isn't Gattica.. or is it?

Is there some health risk to others if they don't take the vaccine? NO! Cancer is NOT "catchy". HPV is also not a leading cancer causing agent like some would have us believe.


What's #1? The number one Cause of Death in women is Heart disease!

What's #2? Cancer:
- #1 Cancer Killer is Lung Cancer is the #1 Cancer killer of women and the #2 killer of women overall.
- #2 Cancer Killer is Brest Cancer
- #3 Colorectal Cancer

Funny the adds would have you think that Cervical cancer is #1 killer of women. It is NOT so do not believe them! Please contact Rick Perry's office and tell him what you think about this! If you don't live in Texas it's only a matter of time, Virginia is already considering making this mandatory as well.

Rick Perry Contact Info: Not verified but it's a start -
Texans for Rick Perry
PMB 217, P.O. Box 2013
Austin, TX 78768
General Email:
Web Site Issues & Comments:


Zelexis Wellings said...


CONTACT your Reps!!!!

Unknown said...

HOLY CRAP!!! An update!

They are trying to make it mandatory in MD as well, if they have not already.

How about this....how about we NOT forcibly immunize people for an STD.

Does that sound reasonable? That's some scary business when the government starts forcing people to be immunized against something that has a natural immunization I like to call, not being a filthy filthy dirty aguileralike whore. Or, as some people would call it, abstinance or even manogamy.

Zelexis Wellings said...

It's pretty crazy supposedly they're adding an opt out clause not sure what's entailed but from what I've read/heard on news a girl cannot go into the 6th grade without this immunization.

Sad .. sad day.

One friend of mine said he found where Garadsil had been used/studied in Europe for several years. Somehow I find that kind of fishy and wonder if it's the same stuff. How many years was it tested etc. How many girls died/got very ill/brain damage from the vaccine. Odd how there is no report of that there.. but here there is. Did Merck change the formula?

Also, he said the CDC website swears there's no mercury based preservative in the vaccines anymore. Yet one article specifically stated this. So someone or some groups are lying. Either way I'd rather err on the side of caution! not to mention my daughter isn't sexually active and isn't even into boys/girls yet !

We joke about it with her and she's like "EWWW Boys are GROSS" haha. Hopefully it'll stay that way :P