Thursday, August 23, 2007

Men, what would you do?

Hypotehtical question:
You're with a woman and you're into some hot and heavy petting.. she has a massive stroke and dies in your arms. You're all aroused and hard as a rock. Do you continue to do her .. or call 911?


Trai said...

Of course call 911. My bad day, i guess. But, hey, your question has set me hard.. what to do?

Trai said...

Come to think about it; i hope this did not happen to you; but if it did, my heart goes to you and if the guy did not do the right thing, he is a pig. You are valuable, and not just a sex/fun partner to the guy.

a said...

Hit it, don't quit it.

Pallax said...

I'd say- I'm getting too old for this shit! -btw hi there :p