CyberSex MMORPGs - Yahoo News Article
So I was reading the above post thinking to myself ... I'm amazed they didn't already have something like this out there. Considering porn has always been one of the top money makers in the internet.
On a different note. When does love for an MMORPG game become obsession. Even years after you have stopped playing the game and maybe some of your online friends still play. You still care about how they're doing, conducting the "guild" etc. Especially, when many of you have been gaming together through games for over 9+ years. If you see them doing "questionable" things.. do you say something or do you keep your mouth shut. Personally, the way I was raised we speak out! I ask them questions about what they're doing and why they are doing it.
I guess the bigger question is why do we as the human race hate dissenting opinions so much? Constructive criticism (when done well) can help make us all better people. I suppose a lot of it goes back to the fact we don't see ourselves are we truly are. People can say they're self-aware but truly that's not the case. We romanticize our being, our actions etc. Even those who have low self image truly don't see everything the way it really is. If we could really become fully self-actualized there would be little need (usually) for psychologists :P.
On a lighter note.. if anyone is looking for a good book to read: Prey by Michael Crichton.
Be good to each other :) ~Z~