Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Gig's up for the Cops in Odessa, TX

KopBusters Article and Video

It's about time someone catches the dirty cops doing what many have suspected them doing for the longest time. Finally, someone is doing something to try and rein in our local governments and their often underhanded ways of finding suposed "illegal activity".

Now I know that not all local governments do these sorts of things but I'm sure it goes on more frequently than most are aware. After a friend and his family had their house raided by Homeland Security for suposedly having illegals living in his basement (if you knew these people you'd know how insane that'd be). I really have little to no faith in not only our local gov't but our overall gov't to look out for our best interests.

I'm tired of our rights being taken away and the police /Homeland security searching our houses, records, lives without anyone taking them to task. All under the guise of terrorist and protecting our country. 99% of what they spew is fear mongering and bullcrap! Too bad Americans haven't wisened up to these facts yet. I hope KopBusters keeps it up and awakens the public to the abuses of our governement. Small steps help, never think that anything you do to expose corruption is too small. Grass roots efforts do make a big different but apathy helps no one.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Zelli update

Well I haven't written much here in a bit as the past few months have been pretty crazy. For those of you who read my blog once in a while check out the new one I started for our miracle baby who's still in the NICU.

Zach's Baby Blog, tales from the NICU

The pregnancy, NICU visits and pumping milk for him keep me pretty busy.
Hopefully I'll feel better soon and be able to be online more and maybe blog a bit more until then enjoy Zach's baby blog.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What to do with voters for Clinton...

I'll be the first to admit I voted for Hilary in the primary and was sad to see she got the popular vote but didn't get enough delegates. Will I be voting for Obama no.. Not no but Hell no. It has nothing to do with race/religion etc. It has to do with the principals the running mates stand for. She has history, prominence, has been through the whitehouse once and knows the drill. What does Obama offer? Biden! Please....

Spare me.

So I guess I'll be "throwing my vote away" and voting for the 3rd party candidate assuming he's even on the ticket "Ron Paul". I've heard so many things that say he's not or is on the ticket I'll just wait on election day.

In the end due to our flawed election system our votes don't count anyway. The Electoral college ultimately decides. A throwback to the early days when states couldn't communicate quickly. Well heads up America it's all pretty much instant communication these days. So why exactly do we still use the Electoral College? Becuase those in power want it that way, that means they get to stay in power and they get to decide "Not you" who gets elected.

Until Americans stop being complacent and actually caring about causes BIGGER than themselves this will not change. We're "fat and happy" in America and who cares if everyone's getting screwed, neighbors are losing their homes and CEO's are getting record paychecks. As long as we're not being directly affected who cares. Sad thing is we ARE being directly affected people just don't realize it yet. Little by little we're losing our rights and don't laugh but the US Gov't is just itching to put microchips in you and your children. It's only a matter of time.

I'm sure they'll come up with some security reason on why to chip everyone. Instead of saying well we can give you a card with a chip in it (btw all new passports, US Id cards etc have microchips in them already) they'll use some excuse that they need to be able to verify a person's identity w/out having their documents on them. There will be some huge security breech, something will blow etc and they'll use it as one more nail in the coffin of why chips are needed. Maybe they'll start having illegal immigrants start looking incideous and evil and make them out to be some sort of non-human species. Ohh we must verify that you're in fact a true US citizen so we must chip you from birth lol. It's coming just wait.

Central America is looking better and better every day even with all their problems ROFL.

Viva America .. erm I mean China. Don't think that Goggle only filters stuff for China the US/British etc govt's ask them to use that technology for the US citizens too. Censorship is everywhere most people just don't realize it.

Just like prohibition didn't work many years ago, censoring and neutering the Internet won't work either! People wake up, fight for your rights or you'll lose them slowly 1 by 1. Unless you like the idea of living in a world like Gattica or Aldus Huxley's "A Brave New World". I don't doubt the rich would like it ... but us regular schmoes wouldn't be very happy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Great Programming Link

If you're into .NET programming and have trouble remembering all those database connection strings then this is the website for you.



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Messages from a dead man...

Going through my email and what do I see?
Messages from a man who had died,
Old mail, a remnant of the man,
A simple letter, an update of his Holiday,
Slightly rambling, a hint of his mind,
This is what remains,
Of man from the grave.

Friday, January 11, 2008

To miss someone so deeply...

This is a blog post of a more personal note. One of great loss. This time of year is always one of great sadness. I lost my father a few years ago around this time and as much as I try to stay positive as I'm sure he'd want me to be it's so hard. I spent years trying to get to him for him to die only a few years after I moved to be closer to him.

So some thoughts on great loss and this does not necessarily refer to those in the afterlife this can be people still living.

Have you ever missed someone so deeply you re-live every moment with them almost to the point of wondering are you obsessed?

The feeling of loss that comes with the remembrance of once was is nearly as painful as if you lost a limb. Often thoughts of wishing for amnesia would happen as to not have to remember what one had and lost. The saying so true rings forever in your head "You don't know what you have until you lose it". There is no solace for the loss. There are some losses that even time does not weaken. You would think after a few years it would get easier. Sadly, no this at least in my case has not been true. The feeling of a lost soul mate is so deep that it's terribly painful. To see the photos of the person to feel their soul touching yours but not being able to communicate is a most horrifying experience.

I try to not think of these things for one cannot change how others feel or those who've died to bring them back. We must accept what life has delt us, although this does not make it any easier to cope. There aren't enough support groups in the world to help one thorugh this.

It's a personal battle...

I find no matter how distracted I try to make myself still my mind doesn't let go as if the other soul is trying to reach out to me over the vastness of space. That's what makes this difficult, being one that is empathetic in nature that of the 6th sense type. To FEEL another soul.. not just know of its existence to have felt, mingled, been drawn into another soul so deeply. That's the loss that shakes you to your very core. To not have that soul so near anymore, no contact etc. I truly hope these feelings don't last forever because eternity longing for another soul is truly painful and worse than Hell I'd imagine. So for any of you out there who may have lost someone dear to you, so dear that it's hard to imagine no contact with them I feel your pain.

My best advice is to send positive thoughts their way. Take each day a bit at a time, try to keep positive thoughts and remember everything happens for a reason. If it were meant to be that you'd be with the other person or them still living then they would be or there would find a way. This is hard to accept as we humans being quite rebellious in nature. Perhaps that's the lesson here... how much not in control of our fate we are.. there's a path for us to take depending on what we choose there are still paths. Not saying everything is set in stone there is still free will however, we as humans seem to end up in some state that was meant to bed either way. We can take the direct course or the long one how we get there is our business.

Don't let loss rule your life, don't let it overpower who you are. Remember who you are and don't let loss define you. Loss does change a person but how it changes us is up to us!

"What doesn't kill us makes us stronger"