Monday, July 26, 2010

Texas Education and the Children of Illegals

With all the recent talk about Arizona passing sweeping legislation to curb illegal immigrants into their state what of it's neighbors? New Mexico, Calif, etc. When asked those immigrants stated they'd mostly be going to neighboring states. I asked myself why wouldn't they just leave. Most will tell you why.. Free education for their children and free community services.

My question is.. why doesn't our public education that is paid for by State and local tax revenue require US birth certificates or green cards? They require many vaccinations and other information before a child can be registered. Do you have to be a citizen? No..

Being that I live in Texas and my daughter attends a crowded fairly new HS where the Hispanic makeup of that HS is 60+ % I'd really like to see my local tax revenue going to more legal residents than illegal. I would make a fair bet that those who speak out against illegal legislation have never been directly affected by their presence. In my life this is what I've seen, people who like to make broad comments about how this is an immigrant nation but fail to see the downside to illegal immigration.

Yes, our country was founded on LEGAL immigrants. Those are people who went through the legal process to Found, come and live here! They didn't just sneak in, squat somewhere and pick up roots. Worse yet the illegal immigrants today I've often seen people here 20 years no plans to leave an not speak 1 bit of English!! The constitution was written in English.. not French, not Dutch, not Spanish.. English. Most of them have no interest in integrating with our society, the American way of life. No they transform entire areas into their "old world" usually to the detriment of the area

I've personally been affected negatively by illegal immigrants both through the inability to get community services and by my children's education being affected. I feel strongly that all immigrants who want to be here should do so through LEGAL means! There's a reason that they don't just have open borders and let everyone in, we'd have even bigger problems on our hands. With our country facing such a HUGE economic challenge we cannot afford to have our local services overrun by those who don't pay into the system. Sorry, I don't consider the lawn guys, pool buys, house maids and nannies who get paid CASH each week paying into the system.

Do they buy and purchase things sometimes.. at yard sales (our 200$ garage sale in a Hispanic community proved that). Do they pay for a lot of things that require sales tax, sure but undoubtedly less than they take from the system those revenues supply.

Our Country's census is a joke... without properly documenting those who are here illegal we'll never get the proper numbers on who's using the community services and who's paying in etc. I still think most people need to take a few steps back, breathe and look at this from all sides instead of just looking through their rose colored glasses.

Things aren't getting better here, they're getting worse.. When we have effective unemployment of 20+% .. that's people who aren't pulling unemployment and have just given up I say SEND the illegals back! Give those without hope of a job a chance to even make a crap wage. At least it'll feed them and MAYBE they can get some community resources to help them out!

.. ok I'm off my soapbox..


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bye bye Happy Meal Toys.. I say Bye bye California

Well well I knew that at some point and time California (or a county therein) would do something so stupid and affronting to truly be the last straw for me well.. here it is:

Santa Clara County, CA Bans Happy Meal Toys

A. California has a bankrupt state
B. California has more to worry about than what parents are feeding their children
C. California needs to keep their hands out of parent's choices
D. How DARE They interfere with the Happy Meal.. Who the FK do they think they are.

I could go on but you see where this rant is going.

Since when is it gov't or state's job to TELL PARENTS WHAT TO DO? I don't want a lecture about if I should or shouldn't spank my kid. I don't want to hear about how standardized testing will make my kids "better". I don't want to hear X Y or Z with my kids. It's none of your FKn Business how I raise my child (as long as it's not abusive of course). Ohh .. but what's the definition of abuse.. well different people define that different ways. Of course Californians are trying to say that feeding your child the occasional Happy Meal is apparently abusive.

California lawmakers GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR Asses..please! Worry about your failing state government. Worry about your BANKRUPT Gov't. But seriously GTFO of my home, life etc. Worry about your crime rate, natural disasters and 10 other issues.

What I feed my children is MY BUSINESS! Now I may not agree with my friend buying happy meals for his son and taking them to school for his lunch (I have friends that do this) BUT I WILL FIGHT FOR HIS RIGHT TO DO SO!!!

What is this.. Europe during WWII? WTF is happening here.. seriously..

I will NEVER visit the GOD forsaken LAND that is California as long as I can help it. I didn't want to go there before.. now I REALLY don't want to go there.. we OBVIOUSLY do not have ANYTHING in common. Just drop off into the ocean.. please.. rid us of your rotten stank.. that depletes our nation of it's freedom, cash and overall well being..

That is all..


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Census SOME people are getting Completely Unacceptable!

What time did this person usually leave home to go to work LAST WEEK? (Does this sound like a Census question? .. Well it is on some of the forms) WTF business is it of theirs.

How many minutes did it usually take this person to get from home to work LAST WEEK? - Can we say.. Please come and search my house while I'm at work...

IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, what was the cost of water and sewer for this house, apartment, or mobile home? - Are you fkn kidding me? You can KISS MY WHITE ASS Seriously..

This is just a couple of MANY unacceptable, unlawful, disgusting (yes DISGUSTING) questions they have NO business asking!

They're lucky I got the short form my ass would have written on the second part - NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Please see the Bill of Rights 5th Amendment for more INFORMATION.!!! Hello the Census is to determine congressional seats!!!!!! People should be SCREAMING about this. Do not bend over and take it people this is ridiculous. They go on to ask about disabilities that person may have like.. are they hard of hearing.. really? Or are they disabled cognitively and have a hard time understanding concepts etc.. I'm not making this up.

So yeah.. the "Long Form" Census 38 questions sent to some households and group quarters (such as college residence halls, skilled nursing facilities, group homes, barracks, and correctional facilities) will receive both the American Community Survey and the 2010 Census this year.

Have you SEEN these questions???? Do you think this is lawful? WTF .. You can see this from the Census OWN website.. I'm not making this up.

I must say I'm angry, hurt ... yes HURT that my gov't would even THINK These questions are acceptable.

THEY can get my home information from the County Tax Asessors website. Are they trying to set people up for lying?? Do you really think that people are going to say they are mentally impared on these forms? Pleaes come and take over my estate.. give me a state appointed guardian because I'm incompenent.. Are we really to think these questions AREN'T going to be used against us.

Hello WAKE UP people!! Do not lay down and take it. There's a reason we have a Bill of Rights!

/rant off..