Wednesday, December 05, 2007

No Christianity but Islam is ok ...

Requiring the teaching of Islam in California school

I'm not against Islam let me just make that clear up front. The radicals sure I'm very against them and everything they believe in and or do.

My issue with what this California school is doing is that they are trying to squelch Christianity and promote Islam. Where is the separation of school and religion. They want to poo poo teaching anything about Jesus and the Christian faith but say ok to a 3 week intensive course on Islam?

I dunno when I was in 7th grade during World History we learned about all the world's main religions. It was a very generic overview and quite interesting. By no means were we required to take "Islamnic names", wear robes and a few other crazy things this school requires for this intensive 3 week course.

Honestly I'm appalled that this school board even thinks this is "Acceptable" if my child went to that school I'd be suing them. For all the frivolous law suits this one would be worthy. People fought in courts to get Christianity removed from the classroom. That should include all relgions! Keep religion out if you want it out that means ALL religions not the ones that aren't politically correct or popular at that time.

I'm ashamed to share a country with a school board and educators think this is acceptable. There are islamic schools in our country that's where that kind of stuff should be done. The kids can choose to go to those schools or parents to send their kids there if they want that for them. That should not be FORCED on anyone in public schools. You don't see bible study of the Christian bible required in public schools. There are various religious schools where that would be acceptable.

So fine you want a 3 week Islamic course where bizzarre things are required I want a 3 week bible study on the Christian bible and they are forced to take biblican names. You're no longer Rhadika you're now Sarah! You're no longer Zach you're going to be Jacob! Make em wear sandals and a crown of thorns! Now if this was happening you'd have every person out there yelling and screaming. Why is it ok if this is Islamic teaching but not ok for Christian?

When you're done doing 3 weeks on Chrisianity lets do 3 weeks on Hinduism!

And then 3 weeks on Satanism as much as we don't want to admit there's a large religioius following here to. Lets not forget Scientology!

Soo my point is you cannot force a 1 sided religious view like that w/out doing the same for every other major religion out there.

This is rediculous .. all of it plain and simple. Pull your heads out of your asses and be the educators without bias you trained to be.

Friday, November 30, 2007

When will the madness end?;_ylt=Ane39JdAiO_k.vvc81tX1kms0NUE

So what will it take for these eccentric and apparently brain washed people to wake up? Does Jesus need to come back and say .. hello .. I'm the true prophet blasphemy to those who worship another.

I know many of us in the civilized world would like to believe this kind of stuff doesn't happen but it does and far too often. We heard about this one but only becuase she's a British citizen. What of those who live in that country and are executed on spot and no one ever hears?

When I read things like this it makes me ashamed to be a part of the same human race as these evil animals. I have to wonder if they're not all demon possessed. My only solace is in the fact that either kharma or judgement day will see justice for all whom they've wronged.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Men, what would you do?

Hypotehtical question:
You're with a woman and you're into some hot and heavy petting.. she has a massive stroke and dies in your arms. You're all aroused and hard as a rock. Do you continue to do her .. or call 911?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Healthcare in America Flawed, that's a given!

Sicko a Healthcare Documentary

I'm not a fan of Michael Moore .. however, this documentary is worth watching. If you think our experience is great with healthcare think again. The movie is Sicko and it's available for viewing free on the Internet.

My personal experience with what he describes has been felt many times, even recently.

I personally, can't find a doctor that will take my insurance (ironically, through the Medical School I work) to look into thyroid issues that run in my family and I believe I have. I may never know if I have them becuase I cannot afford to pay cost for a specialist. Most doctor's won't accept Blue Cross Blue Shield (UT Select). I work in a world class Medical Center and cannot find a doctor to look into my medical issues all due to my insurance I and my employer pay hundreds of $$ every month.

A few years ago...

I was uninsured once and got a bought of food poisioning and had to go to the emergency room for immediate care. The bills were close to $7,000 and before I could even see a doctor the billing department made my husband negotiate how much we would put down before I was seen by doctors. We decided to use some of our rent money that month to put down $100 so I could be seen by a doctor. I was so ill I would have promised nearly anything in order to be seen. I remember they informed us that we had to put down no less than 100$ or I would not be seen by the emergency staff.

Socialized medicine isn't the evil communist construct we've been lead to believe. Just wait till you or a family get cancer or need some invasive proceedure your health care provider doesn't feel is medically necessary.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Appalling... using Trade Center Human Remains as pot hole filler..

I might add when you do a search on yahoo/google a lot of the Reuters news stories /etc have been mysteriously .. removed. A cover up?

Plain and simple if they knew there were remains they should be cremating them and or making them into some kind of memorial. Pot hole filler is not an proper place for remains EVER!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

France Opens UFO Files for last 50 years ...;_ylt=Ah6DMhNjY_BL.YrU81de1g7MWM0F

Well ... we can only hope other governments will follow suit. I find this very interesting.

One thing that's funny is the fact they didn't have the foresight to make the hosting servers a bit more robust or go with multiple hosting. I mean geeze.. lessee.. "I'm a major country and I'm going to open my UFO files to the world online. This is something that's never been done before. Maybe we should get a robust system to host these important files because nearly the entire online community would want to see the site."

Lol ... So Duuuuuuuuuuuuhh yah the servers crashed shortly after the site went live. Numnuts.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Health Insurance... sometimes pretty worthless

Ok this is a rant so if you don't want to read a rant move on.

So I have UT Select (Blue Cross Blue Shield) PPO. This means I don't need a PCP and I can go to whomever I wish w/in network. So I'm looking for a specialist in Endocrinology for Thyroid issues. You'd think that'd be pretty easy to find hell there's hundreds of doctors in this speciality in the Med Center where I work. Try there's only 2 doctors nearby that take our insurance (worth using) they're affiliated with the best Hospitals.

So I Call Doctor #1. The phone rings and rings tried 2 days in a row no answer... wtf!!!!!!!!!!

Call Doctor #2 get a rather rude lady who takes my information and keeps asking me if I "REALLY" want an appointment. No I'm just calling for no @#$@#$@# reason. She takes my info and never calls back.

The rest of the doctors nearby that take my insurance are all affiliated with our Med School. Which I gotta say out of the other 3 times I've used them has been a BAD experience. You get residents .. not doctors RESIDENTS doing the work. F that... I swear they rig our health insurance so that 90% of the doctors come up are affiliated with our med school. Actually I'm sure of it. I so can't wait to get the @#$@#$ out of this place, get some better insurance and say F the guinea pigging of your employees.

Any of the other decent doctors are out of network with (all insurances) their office people say or they don't accept any insurance at all it's pay as you go. W T F. Get a f'n clue we're not all rich and can pay right out for our healthcare. So what exactly am I and my employer paying over 300$ /mo for?

I look forward to the day when healthcare gets the SHAFT! When the Hospitals can no longer charge every patient for new sheets when they're just laundering old ones. When they get caught padding the bills!! When they finally get called on all the excesses they charge for that are UNNECESSARY!. Healthcare costs, charges are the biggest fleecing of Americans I've ever seen and it's pathetic. Doctors take an oath to do NO harm... and yes a lot of this is from the doctors the people on the boards who allow the administrators to get away with this crap.

Something will have to give soon. Healthcare costs are rising so fast nothing can keep up.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

If you have daughters in Texas and Virginia .. HPV vaccine more harm than good?

I being someone who lives in Texas and has a daughter almost at the age required for this vaccine worry.

A. We don't know what exactly is in this vaccine. Some say mercury ... didn't we always learn this is BAD for your health especially BRAIN function?
B. There is NOT enough research on this vaccine and what it does. Especially not many years and long term effects.
C. HPV caused cancer is not "spreadable" like other diseases so why force the vaccine? Other vaccines are understandable as they pose a great health risk if one person gets say "the mumps". It can be contracted by others due to contact and people can die from it.
D. There are now many reports of girls reacting badly (seizures etc) from getting the vaccine since June 2006. Do we need deaths of our daughters and brain damage of many before we find out what's causing this?

What's next.. forcing unwed, underage mothers to get abortions? Not much different. It's our body where's the control? Last I checked this isn't Gattica.. or is it?

Is there some health risk to others if they don't take the vaccine? NO! Cancer is NOT "catchy". HPV is also not a leading cancer causing agent like some would have us believe.

What's #1? The number one Cause of Death in women is Heart disease!

What's #2? Cancer:
- #1 Cancer Killer is Lung Cancer is the #1 Cancer killer of women and the #2 killer of women overall.
- #2 Cancer Killer is Brest Cancer
- #3 Colorectal Cancer

Funny the adds would have you think that Cervical cancer is #1 killer of women. It is NOT so do not believe them! Please contact Rick Perry's office and tell him what you think about this! If you don't live in Texas it's only a matter of time, Virginia is already considering making this mandatory as well.

Rick Perry Contact Info: Not verified but it's a start -
Texans for Rick Perry
PMB 217, P.O. Box 2013
Austin, TX 78768
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