Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Exam postponed ...

Well with all the Rita buzz and closings my University closed last week and will reopen for students Thursday the 29th. That pushed our exams that were supposed to be last week to this week :(. You'd of thought I'd of had more time to study ... nope. My weekend was filled with my mother-in-law her 6 pets she brought, cooking, keeping the kid occupied, taping the windows and cleaning. We were "hunkering down" getting ready for Rita to hit us. Thankfully it passed farther to the east of us than expected so most of that preparation was for naught. We got some nasty wind and a bit of rain but nothing too exciting.

On a side note... Any of you have a "flaky" friend? You know that person that's never on time, the person who changes subjects like the wind changes direction. Well I "had" yes had this friend we'd been good friends for a long while. She was one of those people you could say something and it would take her 5 mins to register what you said and finally reply. Now I'm still not sure if that was a mental thing or not she got light therapy and seemed a lot better. She had one pupil that was WAY larger than the other after that lol. Anyhew back to the flakiness :P She had the worst problems with men ever! Basically she had intimacy issues after being raped :( and really couldn't seem to get over them. After several years and her not being able to get close to man I figured hey I'll buy her a dildo and see if that helps. I figured after 6 + yrs she at least might be ready. She never really said much about it just laughed and seemed somewhat interested. (no this isn't going to turn into a Dear Playboy ... so stop wishing).

Anyhew... she was one of these people that when other people treated her badly she did the same thing to you ... took it out on you when you had NOTHING to do with it. She had bad timing too usually when I was stressed out from class/family/work etc. Well I'd say in spring of this year I'd had enough she'd been doing it to me or over 2 yrs (yah I'm pretty patient when I think people are hurting). I'd noticed with her new "friends" she'd become quite shallow and not so close to her faith in God which she often threw in people's faces saying how close to God she was. Her actions did not support what she said though. I called her on it one day and basically told her to "stop" the crap and told her I was tired of being her punching bag etc. Ever since that time I didn't hear from her much I know she was mad/sad or otherwise. She needed a wake up call and MAYBE it wasn't her mom why she was having so many family problems. Start with yourself! You might just find the solution starts and ends with yourself. She failed to recognize this. We got together maybe 2 x after that and all seemed well as she and I usually made up quite quickly. Well one day out of the blue she messages me and says she no longer wishes contact. I was like lol hmm ok. She said she'd met some "guy" and that they were going to move in together and that I "wouldn't understand". I'm thinking ... someone really is afraid of hearing the truth aren't they. See I'm one of those people who'll say it like it is regardless if you want to hear it or not. If you're wearing a bright lime green dress and you're pasty white and about 100 lbs overweight I'm going to tell you the dress looks like crap and suggest changing it :P

The main point is ... don't push away your friends just because you can't handle the truth. If you're in that situation you have bigger problems. Get therapy! Truly I'm concerned about her and worry and all I can do is pray for her and leave it in God's hands. Everything happens for a reason and fair weather friends aren't worth the brain cells. Don't just be an acquaintance ... if you don't care about me don't be in my life. Don't waste my time. Thanks!

So I'll stick to my online friends who have been dear to me for the past 11 years, not screwed me over, great in person and great to hang out with. Sad sometimes you have to look half a world away for "true friends" because the people around you are far too shallow or petty for any meaningful relationship. Not sure if it's a southern problem but I sure don't remember having this issue when I lived up north.

Rant off for now.. I've got a few about my current place of employment but since they've "attempted" to remedy their bs ! I'll not go on the soap box about that right now :P



Monday, September 19, 2005

Exam week!

Well as the title suggests it's our first exam in class! Taking Unix Systems Admin, my last class to graduate with a BS :P Not to mention I have to apply for graduation tomorrow (keep forgetting to do it). Needless to say between the new house, school and work I've been fairly busy (why I've not updated in a while).

Our daughter is in soccer now with practice on Thursdays, Soccer clinic on Fridays and games on Saturday. She really wanted to join the Girl Scouts (yes, I was in them and I loved it) so I signed her up for that as well. It hasn't started yet but it'll be one more time consuming thing to do each week. I might just add as well good lord the uniforms are expensive! Ouch. I guess between those and cookies that's where they make all their money.

Reading Martin's Blog I've really got the urge to go find some ancient photos of me :P I'm at least FAR happier with the body I USED to have (ladies you know what I'm talking about). So I'll see what I can't dig up here in a while :P

Well I'm supposed to be working from home right now .. and I've done quite a bit but there's always more to do so I better get on it :P I also need lunch so ... as promised Martin here's the update hehe. Same ole same ole :P

