Monday, October 31, 2005

Women's Rights in danger?

I don't know about the other 51% of the population out there that are the women but with no women to be on the supreme court I'm feeling very uneasy. Abortion rights and other important rights we women have not to mention minorities could be repealed. Why is it so many years after women's suffrage that our Congress, House and Court do not reflect the population? Women make up 51% of the population yet our voice is so little in our government. Women should be very worried and very vocal! Our mothers and grand-mothers before us often made hard choices so that we their daughters and grand-daughters could do the things we do today and take for granted.

If you get raped and they repeal the abortion law or the morning after pill, what will you do? What if this happens to your daughter or family member. Statistics have shown that nearly 50% of all women have been sexually attacked if not raped at least once in their lifetime.

It's bad enough in our country as it is, few women CEO's, few women in VP positions. Women are not encouraged and are discouraged from going for these professions. This happened with Harriet Miers and I'm sure she was threatened in some way. The "Good Ole Boys Club" didn't want her and hell be frozen over she was or any other women to get in while they're alive. Women really need to wake up and smell the coffee beans!

There was a movie not too long ago "A Day without a Mexican" that was supposed to show the people how much of a unspoken contribution the Mexicans make to America. What about the women! We need "A Day with Women". At first I'm sure the guys would laugh at this prospect but when you realize the implications the world could nearly come to a halt.

Chores that would go undone for both the stay at home moms and those that are working yet still expected to do the majority of house work. The children that would would not get taken care of and be wandering, existing aimlessly. The many key jobs in a company women typically do as jobs i.e. Executive Secretaries, Receptionists, Administration Assistants etc. would be without their key people. Often the receptionist is the first impression people get about the company. Why do they usually typecast this? A beautiful, young, sweet woman? Because A: Sex Sells, B: She will often be very nice on the phone when clients call, C: Very easy on the eyes etc.
Ok lets put a big harry, sweaty, guy up front with a gruffy voice. Wonder how that would affect business, guesses are it wouldn't be that great.

Well I could go on for hours but the bottom line is, Ladies be wary! Keep Alert because this could be a very bad era for us and our kind! Yes, we're a slightly different species (you know Men are from Mars women are from Venus). Men can't possibly know what is best for women as they are incapable due to not being a woman. Find me a man that has periods each month, gives birth to a child and deals with weight gain, societal pressures etc and I might not be so upset with an all male justice. Until that time we need to ensure more women become judges on the supreme court!

It's a very sad day for us ladies and sadly I'm not sure many are aware.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rude Driver Database

I want one... anyone know if one exists?

If not we should start one! They have, ratemyapartment etc lol.

I want a !!! Bad Drivers beware, kind of like a registry for BAD drivers. They have one for sex offenders!

After my multiple, recent experiences of RUDE drivers I may look into this. I'm curious if it's legal. Would it be slander? Course to verify if the claim was true or not that may be difficult :P Photos ...

If anything I'm starting to take photos of license plates of people who are driving erratically, try to run me off the road, cut in front w/out turn signal or much warning. Or people who are just plain rude and try to go around you while you're backing up as you try to gingerly make your way out in order to not hit a working crew that are fixing/building something where you're trying to get out of. Really, what is wrong with people today?

Do they think we're not in a hurry too? Everyone is busy! Deal with it.

Stop being rude or You're going to be posted with pics ... Your fame will be that you're a jerk. Enjoy.

I fuzzed out the license plate: Pic
Better hope I don't see your car again on my street. Good thing my daughter wasn't playing there like many of the kids that live on the street do, they'd of been hit from this speeding driver, among other rude things he was doing.


Monday, October 24, 2005

Credit Card Minimums to Double!!

News Article

Ok now that I lost what I just typed . Go to spell check, TY pop up blocker !!! and then it wipes what you had when it reloads /sigh.

On for try number two:

The article says as many of my close friends have that our credit card minimums are soon to double. This is supposedly stemming from the recent bankruptcy legislation passed to encourage Americans to get out of debt more quickly. What does all this mean for the average credit card holder?

Well if you have a balance of $4000 you're required to pay around 2% of the balance now which is roughly $80/mo. When this goes into effect (and they're trying to get it through by next month) you'll now be required to pay $160/mo. When the average household has something like 5 credit cards with around $4000 balance that's an increase from $400/mo to 800$ without much warning. Good luck paying that along with increased gas /fuel prices as of late.

In my situation my student loans are coming due next month which will already add $200 more a month to what I have to pay out. Granted their interest is fairly low but still that's a lot more per month than I currently have available funds.

Do I agree with what they're doing? No, and this is why:

I'd like to know why they aren't able to do some kind of graduated increase say 2.5 at first then wait 6mo to a year and go up to 3.0 and increase .5 every 6mo-1yr until they're up to the 4% they want to eventually be at. I agree behind the main principal that they wish to get Americans out of debt faster. Fine! But don't shove it down our throats when our wallets are already over stretched! It's salt in an already oozing, gaping wound! Anyone feel like a tea party? I'm starting too.

How many of you actually look at how much you pay in taxes to the federal and state government in taxes each paycheck? Add in sales tax etc. I'd bet that you're probably only seeing 30cents or less of each dollar. The other 70% goes to fed/state/local government. Do we really need all those services? I mean come on! What happened to the reports of the "fleecing of America" the NBC news used to do. How about you give us back more of our money then talk about doubling our CC minimums. We wouldn't have nearly so much on the CC's if we had more in our bank accounts.

Go talk to your legislators .. or start thinking about Mexico... that country is starting to look more appealing every day!


Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bug bites

well being that I've gone nearly the entire summer without mosquito bites I guess having some at the end isn't too bad.

But ....

They itch, and ITCH!!! You can put the anti-itch stuff on it .. but it still

It's still in the 90s here wru COLD FRONT. It's about time the cold weather hit Houston.

Well class is to start soon so I guess I'll head on over there.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

How to lose a crazy car chasing man

Imagine you're driving down the road it's night already so all the highway lamps are on overhead. Everyone is still trying to get home from a long day at work. People driving home at 7pm at night are usually the work aholic type and already tend to be the type "A" personalities which can make for some interesting nightly drives home. Well imagine you're in the far right lane and start to make your way to the middle lanes because the 2 right lanes veer off and turn onto another major freeway.
So you're going maybe 40mph and then right ahead of you in the middle lane that isn't turning off people are "stopped" right there where the other 2 lanes head off to the other freeway, slowly, trying to usurped their way in front of all the other poor drivers who sat in the long line of traffic. So they "sit" there in the lane, refusing to give up as if they have some God given "right" to push in front of all the other people who patiently waited. You are unfortunately behind one of "those" such people so you turn on your blinker and patiently wait to go into the lane to the left of you.
Whizzing by people go past you well above the speed limit. Patiently you wait, and wait until finally there's an opening. Now you're blinker has been on for well over 30s+ you pull in to the lane and you hear "HONK HOOOOONK". You turn you look to your left and some guy who was very far back in the lane you turned into sped up when you turned in. You think to yourself "WTF is this guy trying to ram me?" So you slow down as most people's reaction would be in such a situation with so much traffic whizzing all around you. The crazy man pulls along side of you to your left and veers into your lane as if trying to push you into the cement median. At this point you're pretty freaked out thinking "Ok, this guy needs some serious help". So you move into another lane to get away from the freak. What does the freak do? He pulls up along side of you and then speeds up, cuts in front of you and slams on the breaks causing you to move over into another lane. By this time you're getting pretty ticked off so you figure WTH ... fine 2 can play this game. You slow down, switch lanes get in behind him and beam your high beams.
You're in a nice tall Explorer and the freak is in a small white sedan, needless to say you're high beams are going to be QUITE the annoyance. So you figure maybe the freak has learned his lesson. No! So the freak decides to be a jerk again and do what he did again erratically driving trying to get you in an accident. So, you pull up speed up, move in front of him and slam on your breaks. He tries to helplessly high beam you. "Ha Ha" you laugh, your nice high vehicle saves you from his pathetically low lying high beams. So for several miles he stays behind you, in vain, thinking he's obstructing your view of the road. Meanwhile you get in your turn lane to get on the major freeway and long drive to your house. He turns with you. Getting a bit annoyed and maybe a bit worried you slowdown, change lanes and get a good look at the "Crazy guy" that's chasing you. He's a man in his mid 20's, business casual attire driving a small white sedan fairly new. He doesn't look outwardly angry maybe just a bit crazy but not angry. Thinking to yourself this is odd that someone would be following you just because he didn't see your blinker was on and act that way he must not be mentally stable.
Now that he's followed you onto the major freeway obviously not where he's intended to go originally you think hmm, ok time to lose this bastard. So, you drive really fast and try to lose him in the plethora of vehicles on the freeway. Nope, he patiently "if he's been patient at all" wades through the sea of cars and gets right behind you again and attempts once again in vain to high beam. You laugh a bit and think ok this is just funny. You break fairly hard, he struggles to break and continues to pursue you. By this time he's been following you about 20 mins and you think hmm, well the tollway is coming up "OHH IDEA" you look in your rear view mirror you see he doesn't have a tollway pass. You know the things that allow them to speed through the toll lanes because it gets your information from the small square you put on your winshield. Well you're in luck you have one he doesn't. Quickly, you switch into the turn off lane that goes to the Tollway going the opposite way of your house. He, seeing where you're going gets a bit panicky, he slows down and stays in the lane that goes straight on the freeway. You continue onto the tollway and "LAUGH".
You drive until the first free exit, exit off the tollway, do a U-turn and you're stuck in a bit of traffic but this is ok because that makes him all the farther away. About 10 mins later you get back on the main freeway towards your home and you eventually arrive, no crazy jerk in tow.

So the moral of the story is boys and girls. A) Don't be a self serving bastard who thinks women can't logically deduct anything for themselves. B) Don't assume you can chase us home either that's what We've got mace and a shoe for. We're not afraid to use them either.

Still you laugh, as you're driving down the street thinking "A$$h..." testosterone is the debil. If you men out there ever catch yourself playing the "crazy" role in the situation above please consider castration.

This has been a public service announcement brought to you by *Zelli*.
