Thursday, April 23, 2009

Distrubing new bill passed by House

So you just gave birth, and now you're being asked some questions on a questionaire. You fail, you're not allowed to take your baby home and you're forced on medication.

I don't know about you all but after I've had both of my children I was exhausted, not completely with it and the last thing I can imagine is someone making me answer some questions to determine my mental capability to take care of my children.

What about the fathers? What about the other people in the household? If they're going to test the mother they should test every other person that's going to have access to the child.

Most hospitals already do post-partum depression screening, do we really need a law for this? The federal government has NO business prying into my mental state after my baby is born. Go focus on the child/wife beaters and leave new mothers alone, they have enough things to deal with!

HR 20 - Fit Mother Bill

This is going to cause more people to not want to go to hospitals for births which can increase the death rate amongst mothers and babies. Is that really what we want?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH, it gets worse. Much worse!

The current administration is working to repeal the conscious clause, that has been around since the 30’s and in truth really since Hippocrates, which means that doctors will no long be allowed to treat or not treat a patient according to their sincerely held beliefs. In other words, the government knows better and doctors are not allowed to think for themselves. First do no harm, right? Wrong.

What I don’t think many people have even thought about regarding this change is that if the government can force a doctor to do something, then they can certainly force a patient to accept something as well.

Scary stuff!