Monday, October 31, 2005

Women's Rights in danger?

I don't know about the other 51% of the population out there that are the women but with no women to be on the supreme court I'm feeling very uneasy. Abortion rights and other important rights we women have not to mention minorities could be repealed. Why is it so many years after women's suffrage that our Congress, House and Court do not reflect the population? Women make up 51% of the population yet our voice is so little in our government. Women should be very worried and very vocal! Our mothers and grand-mothers before us often made hard choices so that we their daughters and grand-daughters could do the things we do today and take for granted.

If you get raped and they repeal the abortion law or the morning after pill, what will you do? What if this happens to your daughter or family member. Statistics have shown that nearly 50% of all women have been sexually attacked if not raped at least once in their lifetime.

It's bad enough in our country as it is, few women CEO's, few women in VP positions. Women are not encouraged and are discouraged from going for these professions. This happened with Harriet Miers and I'm sure she was threatened in some way. The "Good Ole Boys Club" didn't want her and hell be frozen over she was or any other women to get in while they're alive. Women really need to wake up and smell the coffee beans!

There was a movie not too long ago "A Day without a Mexican" that was supposed to show the people how much of a unspoken contribution the Mexicans make to America. What about the women! We need "A Day with Women". At first I'm sure the guys would laugh at this prospect but when you realize the implications the world could nearly come to a halt.

Chores that would go undone for both the stay at home moms and those that are working yet still expected to do the majority of house work. The children that would would not get taken care of and be wandering, existing aimlessly. The many key jobs in a company women typically do as jobs i.e. Executive Secretaries, Receptionists, Administration Assistants etc. would be without their key people. Often the receptionist is the first impression people get about the company. Why do they usually typecast this? A beautiful, young, sweet woman? Because A: Sex Sells, B: She will often be very nice on the phone when clients call, C: Very easy on the eyes etc.
Ok lets put a big harry, sweaty, guy up front with a gruffy voice. Wonder how that would affect business, guesses are it wouldn't be that great.

Well I could go on for hours but the bottom line is, Ladies be wary! Keep Alert because this could be a very bad era for us and our kind! Yes, we're a slightly different species (you know Men are from Mars women are from Venus). Men can't possibly know what is best for women as they are incapable due to not being a woman. Find me a man that has periods each month, gives birth to a child and deals with weight gain, societal pressures etc and I might not be so upset with an all male justice. Until that time we need to ensure more women become judges on the supreme court!

It's a very sad day for us ladies and sadly I'm not sure many are aware.


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